Monday, March 31, 2008

Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1 Release

Hello everyone!  After my short hiatus from Jupiter I am currently starting to gather bugs fixes and improvements that should be done in the next release of Jupiter.  I have entered a few into the bug tracker but I still have more to add.  I do not know when the next release will yet but I will keep you updated.

At this time I'd like to put out a call for new features.  Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group ( and reply to the "Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1. Release" post and describe the feature you would like to see.  I am not guaranteeing that it will be in the next release of Jupiter but I can enter it into the issue tracker and assign it a milestone as I see fit.

Also, I'd also appreciate any bug reports about Jupiter 3.3.0.  I'd like to get any bugs cleaned up for the next release!  If you have a bug go to the users group and post under the "Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1 Release" topic and describe the bug.  If I need further clarification I will reply to your post.

I will probably start assembling my final Jupiter 3.3.1 plan in a few weeks so I'll keep checking the Jupiter Users Group during that time.

One last note, I intend to test Jupiter with Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) soon.  If anyone has tried Jupiter with Ganymede and has run into problems please let me know!

That's all for now, I look forward to your feedback!

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