Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jupiter 3.3.1 Now Available

Hello everyone!

I apologize profusely for the bugs that surfaced in Jupiter 3.3.0 and Jupiter  I have managed to remedy those bugs and Jupiter seems to be back on track.  The bug fixes are included in the new Jupiter 3.3.1 release.  The new release is already available on the Jupiter Update Site.  I will upload it to the downloads area soon.  If you are using Jupiter 3.3.0 or Jupiter you should update to the latest version.

To see all the bugs addressed in the 3.3.1 release go to:

As always, I am accepting bug reports and feature requests.  Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group (, if you haven't already done so, and create a new discussion or reply to an existing one.

With this release of Jupiter I have also redone the user's manual.  The original UserGuide wiki page was very short and some users found that it didn't help them.  I have since moved that UserGuide to a wiki page called QuickReference.  The information there is good for users who have used Jupiter before and just need a short refresher.  The new UserGuide wiki page follows the same outline as the QuickReference but includes much of the information that was provided in the guide hosted on the CSDL website (Jupiter's original home).  It has screenshots and has a more step-by-step approach for new users.

User Guide:
Quick Reference:

One last thing, if anyone is still using the old update site at CSDL I encourage you to switch to the new update site at  You will need to manually remove the old version of Jupiter from the CSDL website.  To do this refer to

I think that's it for now!  Thank you for your feedback!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jupiter Bug Fix Release

I have decided to push a minor release because of a bug that I found that can render Jupiter useless for certain users.  While I'm not certain how many people would encounter this issue, I know at least one person may have had issues because of this bug and I also ran into it too on Windows.  Jupiter is already up on the Jupiter Update Site.  I will also upload it to the Jupiter project downloads area soon.

Jupiter 3.3.0 is no longer available on the update site and I will be removing it from the downloads page also.  Jupiter should be used in place of it.  If anyone has any other problems please let me know via the Jupiter Users Group.  I will continue to leave Jupiter 3.2.1 available on the update site and the downloads area just in case.  If Jupiter 3.3.0 has been working fine for you, you probably don't need to upgrade but I encourage you to do so anyways.

Thank you for all of your feedback!