Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jupiter Service Release 1 Now Available

Hello all,
Just a few days ago Jupiter 3.4.1 was released. However, this release appears to be a little troublesome to Windows users. Since most people probably use Windows I have decided to push a service release. I'm sorry I did not catch the errors before as I did not test Jupiter 3.4.1 on Windows. I will attempt to make a bigger effort to test Jupiter on multiple platforms. I normally test it on Max OSX, Ubuntu, and Windows XP.

Please continue to sign up for the Jupiter Users Group and report bugs. Sign up for the Jupiter Users Group (, if you haven't already done so, and create a new discussion or reply to an existing one.

Jupiter is already live on the update site and I will be uploading it to the downloads area soon.

[Update] This release has resolved issues 52 and 53. Both were critical bugs.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jupiter 3.4.1 Now Available

Hello everyone,
Jupiter 3.4.1 is now live on the update site and also available in the downloads section.  This is strictly a bug fix release and there are no new features.  The main goal of this release was to improve Jupiter's IO and reduce the lag that surfaced in the last few versions.

To see the issues that were closed for this release go to:

I have made sure to upload the CORRECT jar file to the downloads section.  Thank you to the Jupiter user that pointed this out to me.  I'm very sorry to those of you that I inconvenienced.

As always, I am accepting bug reports and feature requests.  Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group (, if you haven't already done so, and create a new discussion or reply to an existing one.

There was one thing that I really hoped to have in this version.  That was the ability to add review issues to any file using different editors.  This unfortunately, did not happen.  I did get a snippet from a user that allowed review issues to be added to any file which worked fairly well.  However, even though that worked the review markers didn't.  The purple markers did not show up in any editor other than the Java, text, and Ant editors.  Upon double-clicking on a review issue for a file that opened in any other editor (i.e. the XML editor) the file would open but it would not jump to the line number and no review markers were visible.  Rather than have the problem only half fixed I decided it would be best if I didn't include it at all.

I will have to find someone that knows more about the plugin.xml and Eclipse in general to solve that issue.  I know the feature is in high demand and I would like to at least know if it is possible or not.  If any of you think you can be of assistance please contact me and I'll be more than happy to try out your suggestions.  I believe you can obtain my direct email address through the Jupiter homepage.

That is all for now.  Thank you for using Jupiter!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Do NOT Download Jupiter 3.4.0 Jar From The Downloads Page

Hello all,
Turns out I have screwed up... I uploaded the feature jar to the Jupiter downloads page and not the plugin. Because of limitations of Google Code Hosting I am unable to replace this file with the correct one. I may be forced to increment the plugin number and rebuild it again just for that dumb reason.

Please download the Jupiter 3.4.0 plugin from:

Sorry for any problems that this has caused.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jupiter 3.4.0 Now Available

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce that Jupiter 3.4.0 is now up on the Jupiter Update Site. I will be uploading it to the Jupiter downloads area shortly.

To see all the bugs addressed in the 3.4.0 release go to:

This release contains mostly small fixes and enhancements. The biggest enhancement is Jupiter forces a refresh on the files it uses so that they will show up as modified in Eclipse (this is helpful for those using source control plugins). I also tried to partially address the performance problems that appeared in Jupiter 3.3.1. I did a few things that should have improved the performance. However, there is still more than will be done but it is going to be a long process so I decided to push this release before I completely start ripping parts of the code base apart.

As always, I am accepting bug reports and feature requests. Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group (, if you haven't already done so, and create a new discussion or reply to an existing one.

The PDF user manual and the wiki user manual were updated a few weeks ago to include information for installing Jupiter on Eclipse 3.4. Jupiter now officially supports Eclipse 3.3.x and Eclipse 3.4.0.

I think that's it for now! Thank you for your feedback!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jupiter PDF User Guide FYI

Just a little note even though my older post about the Jupiter PDF User Guide had a direct link to a file, it is now out of date.

Due to the way Google Code does their file downloads I am unable to update an existing file and must upload a new file with a unique file name. Also, once a file has been downloaded so many times I cannot ever remove the file from the project. This is the reason why the original PDF still exists even though there are much newer versions.

When downloading the user guide you should always go to and download the version listed under 'Featured Downloads'. My new convention is to append the date the User Guide was generated. So for example UserGuide-08012008.pdf is the user guide that was generated on August 1, 2008.

I will probably refrain from posting direct links to the PDF user guide from now on due to the fact that every time it gets regenerated there will always be a new file.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jupiter 3.4.0 Progress Update

Hello everyone!
I know I've been MIA most of the time but I am working on Jupiter 3.4.0 which I hope to release at the end of this month.  I know Jupiter 3.3.1 seems to be suffering from some performance issues and I will be addressing those shortly.  I apologize for not testing it more thoroughly.

So far Jupiter 3.4.0 will only include one enhancement in addition to performance improvements.  Files in the .review folder and the .jupiter file will be automatically refreshed when they are modified by Jupiter.  Eclipse does not have refresh automatically on by default so this will help users using some type of version control plugin (i.e. Subclipse) to see that files were modified and that they should be committed.

I have had to defer the investigation of plugin contributions to a later release.  I'm sorry to say that this means the Jupiter menus will still only appear in the Java Editor and in the Text Editor.  I have someone that will look into this but at the moment he does not have the resources available.

I am still accepting bug reports for Jupiter 3.4.0.  So if you've got a bug to report please go to and register to become a member and report your problem.

Thank you for using Jupiter!  I will send out another announcement when Jupiter 3.4.0 goes live on the update site.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede out June 25, 2008

With this release it is time for me to start planning for a new Jupiter release again. Please feel free to go to the Jupiter Users Group and sign up to report any problems with Ganymede or issues in general. I will not fix issues with the milestones and release candidates.

I'm always hoping to add new features but my time is limited. However, I still gladly accept suggestions for new features and improvements.

Thank you for using Jupiter!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jupiter User Guide PDF Now Available

Hello everyone!
With the help of Jupiter user Purnank we now have a PDF version of the Jupiter User Guide.  You can find it here:

If you are having difficulty navigating the page because it is long and has no table of contents the PDF is the way to go.  The links are clickable and there is a clickable table of contents at the top!  The wiki page is unable to have internal page links so there is no way to make a table of contents for the wiki page.  The PDF is generated from the latest user guide wiki page that was written for the Jupiter 3.3.1 release.

That's all for now!  Thanks again to Purnank for helping me with the generation script!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jupiter 3.3.1 Now Available

Hello everyone!

I apologize profusely for the bugs that surfaced in Jupiter 3.3.0 and Jupiter  I have managed to remedy those bugs and Jupiter seems to be back on track.  The bug fixes are included in the new Jupiter 3.3.1 release.  The new release is already available on the Jupiter Update Site.  I will upload it to the downloads area soon.  If you are using Jupiter 3.3.0 or Jupiter you should update to the latest version.

To see all the bugs addressed in the 3.3.1 release go to:

As always, I am accepting bug reports and feature requests.  Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group (, if you haven't already done so, and create a new discussion or reply to an existing one.

With this release of Jupiter I have also redone the user's manual.  The original UserGuide wiki page was very short and some users found that it didn't help them.  I have since moved that UserGuide to a wiki page called QuickReference.  The information there is good for users who have used Jupiter before and just need a short refresher.  The new UserGuide wiki page follows the same outline as the QuickReference but includes much of the information that was provided in the guide hosted on the CSDL website (Jupiter's original home).  It has screenshots and has a more step-by-step approach for new users.

User Guide:
Quick Reference:

One last thing, if anyone is still using the old update site at CSDL I encourage you to switch to the new update site at  You will need to manually remove the old version of Jupiter from the CSDL website.  To do this refer to

I think that's it for now!  Thank you for your feedback!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jupiter Bug Fix Release

I have decided to push a minor release because of a bug that I found that can render Jupiter useless for certain users.  While I'm not certain how many people would encounter this issue, I know at least one person may have had issues because of this bug and I also ran into it too on Windows.  Jupiter is already up on the Jupiter Update Site.  I will also upload it to the Jupiter project downloads area soon.

Jupiter 3.3.0 is no longer available on the update site and I will be removing it from the downloads page also.  Jupiter should be used in place of it.  If anyone has any other problems please let me know via the Jupiter Users Group.  I will continue to leave Jupiter 3.2.1 available on the update site and the downloads area just in case.  If Jupiter 3.3.0 has been working fine for you, you probably don't need to upgrade but I encourage you to do so anyways.

Thank you for all of your feedback!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1 Release

Hello everyone!  After my short hiatus from Jupiter I am currently starting to gather bugs fixes and improvements that should be done in the next release of Jupiter.  I have entered a few into the bug tracker but I still have more to add.  I do not know when the next release will yet but I will keep you updated.

At this time I'd like to put out a call for new features.  Please sign up for the Jupiter Users Group ( and reply to the "Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1. Release" post and describe the feature you would like to see.  I am not guaranteeing that it will be in the next release of Jupiter but I can enter it into the issue tracker and assign it a milestone as I see fit.

Also, I'd also appreciate any bug reports about Jupiter 3.3.0.  I'd like to get any bugs cleaned up for the next release!  If you have a bug go to the users group and post under the "Planning for Jupiter 3.3.1 Release" topic and describe the bug.  If I need further clarification I will reply to your post.

I will probably start assembling my final Jupiter 3.3.1 plan in a few weeks so I'll keep checking the Jupiter Users Group during that time.

One last note, I intend to test Jupiter with Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) soon.  If anyone has tried Jupiter with Ganymede and has run into problems please let me know!

That's all for now, I look forward to your feedback!

Jupiter 3.3.0 Archived Release Email

Jupiter 3.3.0 was released on March 8th. That was before I created this blog so I though it might be good if I reposted the notification email I wrote. I think it contains some important information about the move from CSDL's Jupiter page to the Google hosting page. Here it is:

I know it has been a very long time since the last Jupiter release. I'm happy to finally announce Jupiter 3.3 is now available. It is available via the Google Hosting update site and will be downloadable from the website shortly. With this release we have dropped support for Java 1.4. It is being developed against Java 5 and being tested with Java 5 and 6. We are officially testing Jupiter against Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) although it may work for Eclipse 3.2 also.

For those of you that don't already know, the Jupiter project has moved from to If you are still using the CSDL update site I encourage you to move over to the Google Hosting site. You should follow the directions at to remove the old Jupiter plugin before downloading the version on the new Google site.

Google Hosting update site:

1) Jupiter now uses generics so support for Java 1.4 has been dropped.
2) Jupiter no longer supports Jupiter version 1 review files. Using
Jupiter 3.2.1 will convert these files into the newer format that is
compatible with Jupiter 2 and 3.
3) The "jumping" and selection of other issues when double-clicking on the Review Table has been fixed.

Issue closed for this release:

I have worked long and hard to push this release and I hope it works well for you all. Please feel free to report any new or existing bugs to me. I will try to remedy them in the next release. Thank you for using Jupiter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Welcome to the Jupiter News Blog!

Initially Hongbing and I decided that for the time being that we didn't need a blog for Jupiter. However without a blog I have just been posting little blurbs on Jupiter's front page at The wiki syntax is very limiting and my bold lettering probably does little to draw attention to the updates. I have been posting Jupiter news/updates on my personal blog and I think it is time to stop that. I believe some people are signing up for my blog because they are interested in Jupiter. I believe now it would be better for me to consolidate the Jupiter news/updates in to one place. This is also good because I can have Hongbing post here too.

I have also been sending email notifications about Jupiter. But if you're not part of the Hackystat list or part of the Jupiter users group the emails do little to help. I did post a copy of the email to my personal blog but I'd rather not draw attention to it.

So starting now, I will be posting updates here. I believe this way people can use the feeds to keep up with Jupiter without having to know where my blog, randomly check the Jupiter homepage, or sign up for the users group.